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The Cost of Annoying Ads

  What constitutes an annoying display ad on the web? Is it the use of garish colors, as in a Halloween theme gone amok? Is it a page seemingly designed to cram in as many blinking, spinning, animated GIFs as possible? Is an ad annoying when ...

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Android, Tablets Dominate 2013Q1 Mobile Market

What a difference two years makes. Tablet usage increased 282% between Q1 2011 and Q1 2013, with the number of consumers in the 31 GlobalWebIndex markets* using mobile to get online growing by 60%.   Some key findings from GlobalWebIndex S...

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In 2017 wereldwijd 1,5 miljard smartphones

  Volgens onderzoeksbureau Canalys worden er in 2017 1,5 miljard smartphones verkocht. 1 van de redenen voor dit aantal is dat de prijs van smartphones sterk is gedaald tijdens de laatste jaren en dit heeft zijn invloed op de marktpenetratie....

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Fons Van Dyck met ‘Reclame. Dood of levend’

  Vandaag staan merken, marketing en reclame steeds meer onder druk binnen ondernemingen en in de ruime maatschappij. Periodes van economische recessie vergroten die druk nog. ?De opkomst van nieuwe technologieën verandert bovendien de levenss...

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Digital advertising in Europe: 24 billion euro

IAB Europe`s annual AdEx Benchmark survey – the definitive guide to the state of the European online advertising market – was released at IAB Europe`s Interact conference in Barcelona (May 23rd 2013).   The AdEx Benchmark research revealed t...

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