PrintPower: How print advertising increases campaign profit


Analysis of £1,8 billion of campaigns: print advertising has highest profit ROI

A new study commissioned by Thinkbox in the UK provides compelling evidence for the profitability and sustained impact of print advertising.

The study encompasses an extensive analysis of £1.8 billion in media spend across 141 brands and 14 categories in the UK. Despite representing only 3,3% of the total advertising investments analysed, advertising in newspapers and magazines account for a remarkable 4,8% of the profit generated.

On average, a pound invested in advertising returns just over £4 in profit. But that’s an average across a wide scope of different media investments. Specifically, print advertising yields an impressive £6.36 in profit for every pound spent, outperforming other media such as linear TV (£5.94) and audio (£4.98).

This outcome confirms previous studies, making print advertising one of the most effective forms of advertising in a digitally dominated industry.